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Photos Evreux 
Haute Normandie Eure
Pictures Evreux

Photos | France Photos | Evreux Normandie France Photos Evreux Normandy

Cathédrale Notre Dame d'Évreux - Notre-Dame Cathedral of Evreux  France

Cathédrale Notre Dame d'Évreux - Notre-Dame Cathedral of Evreux France
Photo Evreux Normandie France Photos Evreux Normandy Photos

Façade nord du transept de la cathédrale d'architecture gothique flamboyant. L'édifice est classé aux monuments historiques depuis 1862.

North facade of the transept of the Cathedral of flamboyant Gothic architecture. The building is classified as historical monuments since 1862.

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The rights of this photo are managed by La Saif images. To obtain a permission to use, please send an e-mail to : with the file name : 03998-05032018norm170359num207.jpg

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